Lilli Beese (Author) Ava Beese is seven years old. When she was two, her dad Nick posted a YouTube video of her signing with her mum over dinner. It went viral, was watched almost 1.5 million times, and was picked up by BBC News. The videos her family still post of their BSL dinner chats continue to receive tens of thousands of hits. Ava's mum, Lilli Beese, is a BSL interpreter, television presenter and trainee psychologist. Ava's dad, Nick Beese, is a designer and former captain of Great Britain's deaf football team. Together, Nick and Lilli founded support group Deaf Parents Deaf Children. They regularly campaign on deaf issues.
1: Title page
2: Contents
4: Meet Ava
6: British Sign Language
8: All sign language is unique
10: My mum and dad
12: Life at home
14: My school
16: My deaf friends
18: Hobbies
20: Out and about
22: My hearing aids
24: Cochlear implants
26: Vocalising
28: My future
30: Becoming a good hearing friend
32: BSL alphabet
34: BSL numbers
36: BSL questions
38: BSL important words
40: BSL topics
42: BSL at school
44: BSL out and about
46: Words to remember
47: Further information
48: Index