Zwischen 1921 und 1924 hat Sigmund Mowinckel seine Psalmenstudien publiziert, von denen die Psalmenstudien II zum »Thronbesteigungsfest Jahwäs« sicherlich die bekanntesten sind. Die Frage Mowinckels nach der Verbindung von Psalmen und Kult wurde, 100 Jahre später, angesichts einer gänzlich anderen Ausgangslage in der Psalmenforschung, auf der Fachgruppentagung Altes Testament der Wissenschaftlichen Theologie, am 19. und 20. Februar 2022, aufgenommen und kontrovers diskutiert.
[Psalms and Ritual. 100 Years of Psalm Studies by Sigmund Mowinckel (1921-1924) and his Impulses for Current Psalm Research]
Between 1921 and 1924, Sigmund Mowinckel published his Psalm Studies, of which Psalm Studies II on the »Feast of the Ascension of Yahweh« is certainly the best known. Mowinckel's question about the connection between psalms and cult was taken up and controversially discussed 100 years later, in view of a completely different starting point in psalm research, at the conference »Altes Testament der Wissenschaftlichen Theologie« on February 19 and 20, 2022.
[Psalms and Ritual. 100 Years of Psalm Studies by Sigmund Mowinckel (1921-1924) and his Impulses for Current Psalm Research]
Between 1921 and 1924, Sigmund Mowinckel published his Psalm Studies, of which Psalm Studies II on the »Feast of the Ascension of Yahweh« is certainly the best known. Mowinckel's question about the connection between psalms and cult was taken up and controversially discussed 100 years later, in view of a completely different starting point in psalm research, at the conference »Altes Testament der Wissenschaftlichen Theologie« on February 19 and 20, 2022.