The book Psychopedagogy of People with Intellectual Disability. Landmarks on the management of online academic course during the pandemic, is the result of the author's documentation activity in the field of Special Psychopedagogy and of Educational Sciences. The two volumes entitled: Learning objectives and learning contents (Volume I), In the virtual class (Volume II) derives from here.The first volume represents the theoretical materials used in the course Psychopedagogy of people with intellectual disability, in which the educational objectives and the learning contents are highlighted in seven distinct modules. Students are provided with theoretical material based on conceptual boundaries, causes and developmental profile of people with intellectual disabilities in response to the following questions: What is intellectual disability? How, why and by what means do we assess the individuals to establish the intellectual disability diagnosis? What are the causes leading to intellectual disability? What are the particularities in the development of people with intellectual disability?
The book Psychopedagogy of People with Intellectual Disability. Landmarks on the management of online academic course during the pandemic, is the result of the author's documentation activity in the field of Special Psychopedagogy and of Educational Sciences. The two volumes entitled: Learning objectives and learning contents (Volume I), In the virtual class (Volume II) derives from here.
The first volume represents the theoretical materials used in the course Psychopedagogy of people with intellectual disability, in which the educational objectives and the learning contents are highlighted in seven distinct modules. Students are provided with theoretical material based on conceptual boundaries, causes and developmental profile of people with intellectual disabilities in response to the following questions: What is intellectual disability? How, why and by what means do we assess the individuals to establish the intellectual disability diagnosis? What are the causes leading to intellectual disability? What are the particularities in the development of people with intellectual disability?
The book Psychopedagogy of People with Intellectual Disability. Landmarks on the management of online academic course during the pandemic, is the result of the author's documentation activity in the field of Special Psychopedagogy and of Educational Sciences. The two volumes entitled: Learning objectives and learning contents (Volume I), In the virtual class (Volume II) derives from here.
The first volume represents the theoretical materials used in the course Psychopedagogy of people with intellectual disability, in which the educational objectives and the learning contents are highlighted in seven distinct modules. Students are provided with theoretical material based on conceptual boundaries, causes and developmental profile of people with intellectual disabilities in response to the following questions: What is intellectual disability? How, why and by what means do we assess the individuals to establish the intellectual disability diagnosis? What are the causes leading to intellectual disability? What are the particularities in the development of people with intellectual disability?