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The first English edition of this book carries further the program for a psychosomatic medicine whose aim is to integrate the psycho-social aspects of empiric medicine with traditional medicine, stated first in the five original German editions.This book gives doctors worldwide now the considered thoughts which have deloped over several decades through five German editions.
The text offers every medical professional a broad basis that enables him to use the bio-psycho-social aspects in his everyday practice.The text offers every medical professional a broad basis that enables him to use the bio-psycho-social aspects in his everyday practice.

The first English edition of this book carries further the program for a psychosomatic medicine whose aim is to integrate the psycho-social aspects of empiric medicine with traditional medicine, stated first in the five original German editions.This book gives doctors worldwide now the considered thoughts which have deloped over several decades through five German editions.

The text offers every medical professional a broad basis that enables him to use the bio-psycho-social aspects in his everyday practice.The text offers every medical professional a broad basis that enables him to use the bio-psycho-social aspects in his everyday practice.
Thure von Uexküll, Prof. Dr., (t 2004) lebte in Freiburg, Herausgeber des berühmten "Lehrbuch der Psychosomatischen Medizin".

Rolf H. Adler, Prof. em. Dr. med., verbrachte seine Assistenzzeit an der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik in Bern sowie der Psychiatrischen Klinik in Münsingen. Von 1967 - 1969 war er "Instructor and Fellow" for Psychiatry and Medicine, University of Rochester, N.Y., bei George L. Engel. 1971 wurde er Oberarzt in Bern, dort Aufbau der Psychosomatik. 1978 wurde er Chefarzt der Medizinischen Abteilung, C.L. Lory-Haus, Inselspital Bern, 1997 Ordinarius für Innere Medizin, insbesondere Psychosomatik. Seit der Emeritierung 2001 ist er in Teilzeitprivatpraxis tätig und für u. a. die Weiterbildung von Ärzten und Medizinstudenten in der Abt. für Psychosomatik in Bern verantwortlich.