Introduction Michael Bentley
1. The friends of the constitution in Church and State, 1667-73 James Jones
2. The Peterhouse Latitudinarians Richard Brent
3. Religion and the social order: the case of Burke and Paine Ian Harris
4. Religion in the Victorian novel Shirley Letwin
5. Victorian historians and the larger hope Michael Bentley
6. The Conservative Party and the Church of England, 1874-1902 Richard Shannon
7. George Gilbert Scott Junior, 1837-97: 'the history of a narrow mind' David Watkin
8. Frederick Temple on the Clerisy and the idea of a meritocracy Simon Green
9. Faith and fellowship: the conservatism of John Buchan J. P. Parry
10. Service: the public doctrine of the Conservative leadership, 1922-40 Philip Williamson
11. Destiny and providence: the religion of Winston Churchill Paul Addison
12. Liberal collectivism and the English Catholic hierarchy Sheila Lawlor
13. Culture and community Roger Scruton
14. Religion and public doctrine Peter Ghosh
15. Public doctrine, private lives: the iconography of belief in a commercial society A. Boyd Hilton.