Present book is an outcome of LLM dissertation work. In the present work author has made some prime observations regarding Indian prison system and the role of public interest litigation in its development. Public Interest Litigation is a socio-legal economic evolution developed by the judiciary aimed at bringing justice particularly to the weaker and less advantaged strata of the Indian society, for whom justice remains a distant mirage despite India being an independent democratic welfare state. The visionary approach of the apex Court indeed is a genuine attempt to wipe out the tears and bring out the smile on the faces of those who are underprivileged for a variety of reasons to take on the battle themselves in the highly cost-ridden litigation. It is the result of the vibration of the sensitive social nerve of the Supreme Court that has opened vistas or social objections of the enshrined in Part IV of Indian Constitution which Granville Austin aptly describes as the heart and soul of the Constitution. Present book has made some important suggestions for the improvement in the Indian Prison Administration.