The biggest producer of high-quality cold-pressed edible oils in Macedonia is "Filla" company. The "Filla" cold-pressed edible oils are 100% natural and organically produced oils which consist significant amounts of tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols and phenolic compounds as powerful antioxidants. However, the major components in the oils are unsaturated Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which are necessary in human nutrition. The most of these fatty acids are essential since the human are not able to synthetize them and must be ingested by diet. The chemical composition and antioxidant potential of some traditional and non-traditional vegetable oils were object of this study. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin-E-active compounds, pytosterols and phenolic compounds were significantly higher in some non-traditional cold-pressed edible oils.