Quantum Plasmadynamics is a synthesis of the kinetic theory of plasmas and quantum electrodynamics (QED). In this volume, the approach applied to unmagnetized plasmas in volume 1 is generalized to magnetized plasmas. First, a covariant version of nonquantum kinetic theory is formulated for single-particle (emission and scattering) processes and the collective-medium response. The relativistic quantum treatment is based on solutions of Dirac's equation for an electron in a magnetostatic field, and single-particle processes are treated using a magnetized version of QED. The response of an electron gas is derived by generalizing the derivation of the response of the magnetized vacuum.
From the reviews of Vol. 1 - Quantum Plasmadynamics: Unmagnetized Plasmas (Lect. Notes Phys. 735) The ten chapters and 464 pages book [...] gives the best introduction to the quantum electrodynamics and the kinetic theory of relativistic and non-relativistic charged particles. [...] The materials of the most important part of the book are supported by illustrations. [...]useful for advanced graduate students, scientists and all who are interested in plasma physics and confinement systems. (M. J. Canfell, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1158, 2009)