Prepare to dive into the thrilling world of "Quantum Reckoning", the highly anticipated sequel to "Quantum Interface". Set in the year 2063, this gripping narrative unfolds six years after a catastrophic assault on Quantum Interface by Chinese and Brazilian agents. In the aftermath of that attack, Ian Phillips discovered a shocking truth: an extraterrestrial entity had guided him toward the creation of his Quantum Entanglement machine (Tangler), while also propelling his AI, Leonard, into sentience. Ian also learned that his second wife, Khadija, who had battled infertility for years, actually has two children, now nine and eleven years old, from fertilized embryos harvested by Leonard and sent to Amma. In a bold move, Khadija had relocated to the distant planet of Oogulu to be with their children. Bound by a ten-year agreement that prevents her from returning to Earth, Ian feverishly worked to reunite with her by creating a self-validating Tangler that can teleport without a destination device; it only requires coordinates. His first wife, Kim, is in Vancouver managing her new art gallery, their son Jeremy, a 21-year-old university student, is living in London, and their 15-year-old twin daughters, Tara and Tanisha, are off enjoying their summer camp adventure. Colonel Hirzakova has ascended to the rank of General, now overseeing the eastern division of the Canadian military, while Everton leads Quantum Security, a newly established in-house protection service. As Ian embarks on a journey to Oogulu to reunite with Khadija, he remains unaware of the sinister plans of the American military, who have allied with a formidable alien race to develop their own energy weapon and teleportation technology, using a mind clone they obtained from Ian during his abduction in 2057. CSIS, the Canadian intelligence agency have also infiltrated his security force, intent on finding evidence to convict him of extrajudicial killings. Chaos erupts. The Americans and their new allies, the Accu, giant ant-like extraterrestrials, launch an all-out assault on Quantum Interface. In a devastating blow, they kidnap Tara leaning only her feet in the summer camp forest, destroy Leonard's servers at the mansion, leaving him incapacitated, and plot to abduct Jeremy in London. Stranded without the Tangler network, Ian faces an impossible situation: Kim, Jeremy, and Tanisha are in grave danger, and tragedy strikes with the death of General Hirzakova. What fate awaits Ian and his loved ones? Discover the answers in this electrifying Afro-futurism fantasy, "Quantum Reckoning."
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