Die englische Übersetzung des erfolgsroman Quantensprung in die Vergangenheit von Roland Muri. In a world where Janis Joplin is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, Africa is the ruling superpower and underdeveloped Europe languishes in misery, a group of scientists follow in the footsteps of a time travel team from an earlier era. They realise that something is wrong and that their current timeline is not the one it is supposed to be, so they set out to fix the mistake. However, those with authority want to keep the current timeline by all means and see the scientists as a threat to their power. In a bid to keep the world as it is currently, they are sending a special forces unit to hunt down the scientists.....This Journey through time is not only a fast-paced adventure but also a thriller. It leads through European and American history, plays through various historical scenarios and offers encounters with famous contemporaries, such as Napoleon and Washington.