An intriguing work of history, philosophy, and popular science that explores the human desire to quest...
Scientists continually look for the genetic factors that make humans so very different in appearance and behaviour from most animals -- the genes that are uniquely human. Respected biochemist and author Charles Pasternak argues that such genes do not exist. Instead, he suggests that it is our desire to quest - for food and shelter, for knowledge, for wealth, for adventure - coupled with our unique physical abilities to do so that have controlled our evolution and have led humans to develop away from closely related animals.
In this intriguing work of history, philosophy, and popular science, Pasternak uses his extensive biological knowledge to discuss man's nature and achievements, his genetic makeup, and his evolution.
Charles A.Pasternak, is an eminent international biochemist and Director and founder of the Oxford International Biomedical Centre. Hecomes from a family of highly talented individuals: nephew of Boris Pasternak (author of Dr Zhivago), father of Anna Pasternak (writer), grandson of Leonid Pasternak (Impressionalist painter) and son of Josephine Pasternak (philosopher). He is the author of a number of works and has recently turned his attention to communicating scientific subjects to a broader readership.
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Scientists continually look for the genetic factors that make humans so very different in appearance and behaviour from most animals -- the genes that are uniquely human. Respected biochemist and author Charles Pasternak argues that such genes do not exist. Instead, he suggests that it is our desire to quest - for food and shelter, for knowledge, for wealth, for adventure - coupled with our unique physical abilities to do so that have controlled our evolution and have led humans to develop away from closely related animals.
In this intriguing work of history, philosophy, and popular science, Pasternak uses his extensive biological knowledge to discuss man's nature and achievements, his genetic makeup, and his evolution.
Charles A.Pasternak, is an eminent international biochemist and Director and founder of the Oxford International Biomedical Centre. Hecomes from a family of highly talented individuals: nephew of Boris Pasternak (author of Dr Zhivago), father of Anna Pasternak (writer), grandson of Leonid Pasternak (Impressionalist painter) and son of Josephine Pasternak (philosopher). He is the author of a number of works and has recently turned his attention to communicating scientific subjects to a broader readership.
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"...I can recommend Quest: The Essence of of the most thought-provoking books to come my way for some time..." (The Sunday Telegraph., 20 July 2003)
"...fluent, fast-moving...Quest is controversial...which all ambitious works like this one should be..." (New Scientist, 23 August 2003)
"...I really enjoyed this book...What impressed me throughout was Parsternak's use of science..." (M2 Best Books, 7 December 2003)
"...fluent, fast-moving...Quest is controversial...which all ambitious works like this one should be..." (New Scientist, 23 August 2003)
"...I really enjoyed this book...What impressed me throughout was Parsternak's use of science..." (M2 Best Books, 7 December 2003)