In his debut collection of short stories, Fred Onymouse takes a humorous and light-hearted glance at life. Quick and Quirky draws from Fred's unique sense of humour to produce a read that leaves readers chuckling as they enjoy the quips inside the book. In the book, Fred writes hilarious stories about all aspects of life, each with a memorable protagonist and accompanied by fun illustrations by the author's wife, Ann Onymouse. What happens when a couple find their holiday crashed by elephants? How can a blind artist and his colourblind dog produce the most desirable paintings in the world? And will two competing neighbours ever resolve their issues? Each story in the book concludes with a light-hearted moral that readers are guaranteed to remember. Comparable to the work of Spike Milligan, Quick and Quirky is a unique read that will appeal to all readers that enjoy humorous fiction. The book will have wide appeal from younger readers aged 9 years and over to a more mature audience.
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