Quarterly Journal of the AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT, Vol. XXI. Nos. 1 2, Edited by MAHMUD GHUL as THE HIDDEN IMAMS OF THE ISMAILIS, Sami N.Makarem, the tree is as follows In addition to what has been concluded from this study, the following deductions can also be drawn: To the Isma'ilis, the names of the hidden Imams after Muhammad ibn Isma'il ibn Ja'far are: Abdallah ibn Muhamma, Ahmad ibn Abdallah better known as Muhammad at-Taqi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad adi better known as 'Abdallah ar-R and Ali ibn Muhammad better known as Ali ibn al-Husayn, with al-Mahdi as title. The latter died on his way to al-Maghrib but his name and title were assumed by a certain Sa'id al-Khayr who conquered al-Maghrib in his name, established himself Caliph and founded the Fatimid dynasty.