This final project concerns on the analysis of racial discrimination portrayed in Anzia Yezierska's Soap and Water short story. The main character is a Russian Jewish immigrant moving to America. She is discriminated by Miss Whiteside as the dean of the college because she is from different race and has bad appearance. She suffers some kinds of discrimination in the middle of American multicultural society. This study aims to know how racial discrimination is described in the Soap and Water short story and how the main character deals it. The chosen approach for this study is racial discrimination. The study uses descriptive qualitative method by using Soap and Water short story as primary data, while journals and articles as secondary data. The discussion shows that racial discrimination in the short story is portrayed in some cases. They are such racial discrimination happened in educational place, workplace, public place, and racial discrimination which is hurt people mentally. Meanwhile, several ways to deal with racial discrimination shown by the main character are by seeking support, discussing, and having self care.