Concrete quality and durability are fundamentally dependent on flow properties of freshly mixed material until onset of hardening. This book aims to simplify and standardize the gap between the assessment of given concrete flow property and the complicated test methods and procedures currently adopted by the construction industry. It describes the Concrete-Equivalent-Mortar (CEM) approach that simplifies experimental testing and protocols to practicing engineers and concrete technologists. CEM mixtures are proportioned using the same concrete composition; except that all coarse aggregate particles larger than 4.75-mm are replaced by an equivalent volume of fine aggregates. The book also assesses the applicability of geotechnical principles and apparatuses to study the fresh behavior of concrete mixtures. Available in most research centers, geotechnical equipment could unify and standardize the characterization of concrete flow properties, while providing "third-dimension" analysis that is not accessible with current testing methods. This book could be of interest to engineers and consultants involved in research, development, and execution of high quality concrete construction.