The purpose of this monograph is to attempt to
reconcile the growing adult population in our
universities, colleges, and community colleges with a
pedagogy that has largely been focused upon
traditional learners. The focus of this monograph is
solely upon an introductory course aimed at adult
learners. I re-vision and transform an introductory
level undergraduate education course (ED Teaching &
Learning 390: Introduction to Teaching with
Technology) into a computer-based course that focuses
upon adult learners through a step-by-step
examination of the course s: background and
theoretical framework, methodology and model, goals
and objectives, syllabus construction and grading,
sample assignments and sample assessments. A working
definition of non-traditional or adult learners
considers: they are legal adults, generally over the
age of 24, (and/or, who are parents) working in a
non-academic position or field; they are either
returning to college after years of absence or they
have never attended college. This work will be of
interest to teachers of any discipline who are
motivated to re-vision their pedagogy/andragogy to be
more inclusive of non-traditional students.
reconcile the growing adult population in our
universities, colleges, and community colleges with a
pedagogy that has largely been focused upon
traditional learners. The focus of this monograph is
solely upon an introductory course aimed at adult
learners. I re-vision and transform an introductory
level undergraduate education course (ED Teaching &
Learning 390: Introduction to Teaching with
Technology) into a computer-based course that focuses
upon adult learners through a step-by-step
examination of the course s: background and
theoretical framework, methodology and model, goals
and objectives, syllabus construction and grading,
sample assignments and sample assessments. A working
definition of non-traditional or adult learners
considers: they are legal adults, generally over the
age of 24, (and/or, who are parents) working in a
non-academic position or field; they are either
returning to college after years of absence or they
have never attended college. This work will be of
interest to teachers of any discipline who are
motivated to re-vision their pedagogy/andragogy to be
more inclusive of non-traditional students.