Agustín GuillamónReady for Revolution
The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938
Übersetzer: Sharkey, Paul
Chapter 1: From Shapiro Report to the October 1934 Working Party Resolution
Chapter 2: The Local Revolutionary Preparedness Committee
Chapter 3: Differentiating between Defence Groups, Affinity Groups and
Action Groups
Chapter 4: The Barcelona FAI Critiques the Nosotros Group's Notions of
'Army' and 'Power' (1936)
Chapter 5: The Worker Uprising of 19-20 July 1936: The Defence Committees
See Off the Army
Chapter 6: The Revolutionary Ward Committees, the People's Militias and the
Revolutionary Situation in July 1936
Chapter 7: The Assembly-driven Modus Operandi of the Defence and Supplies
Chapter 8: From the CAMC's Military Failure to Militarisation
Chapter 9: The Defences Committees, All or Nothing at All. From Potential
Organs of Worker Power to Mere Armed Adjuncts of the Trade Unions
Chapter 10: The Bread War: Comorera versus the Barrio Committees
Chapter 11: The Barcelona FAI Radicalised by the Defence Committees
Chapter 12: The Defence Committees in May 1937 and their Final Dissolution
Documentary Appendix
"The Friends of Durruti Group: To the Working Class" (April 1937)
Author's Glossary