High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The first season of the Reborn! anime series is a compilation of the first thirty-three episodes from the series, which first aired in Japan from October 7, 2006 to May 26, 2007 on TV Tokyo. Titled as Kateky Hitman Reborn! in Japan, the Japanese television series was directed by Kenichi Imaizumi, and produced and animated by Artland. The plot, based on the Reborn! manga by Akira Amano, centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola crime family. Tsuna, who is the only living heir, must learn to become a proper Mafia boss and is required to undergo training from the Vongola's number one hitman, an infant named Reborn. Five pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: two opening themes and three ending themes. The first opening theme, which is used for the first twenty-six episodes, is "Drawing days" by SPLAY. It is followed by LM.C's "Boys and Girls", used for the following episodes.