Reckoning with Dust is a collection of poignant fictional renderings that closely follows a mosaic of scriptural characters as they encounter an unconventional Teacher, who meets them on the terrain of their human condition. Each fellow traveler arrives at their own crossroads and speaks to the human grit we embody, which sometimes obscures, but often refines the truth of who we are, and who we are becoming. Listen in as these conversations take place in the midst of crisis and hardship-highlighting the universal struggle to fully awaken our potential. Inspired by her years of work as a psychotherapist, Jennifer Pirecki sees little separating the life learning these forebears have to offer from the wisdom needed for living today. Whether read in one sitting, or as a daily book, within the pages of Reckoning with Dust, readers are sure to discover the guidance these ancient voices reflect both timeless and accessible for their journey of personal transformation.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.