Synopsis: "Recognizing Latin American Women" is a profound and revealing journey that invites readers to explore the perspectives of the Women who have shaped our Society. Through an Epistemic Vision, the Author, Dr. Diana Milagros Rueda by Aranguren leads us to reflect on the fundamental role that Women play in the construction of Social Ethics in the Region. What challenges do they face in their fight for equity? How can their voices transform realities? a call to recognize their worth, but also to unite in the search for a more Just future. In a World where the trajectory of Women is often silenced, "Recognizing the Women of Latin America" reveals how their experiences and struggles are. essential to understand the Social Fabric of our Region. Are we willing to listen and learn from them? "HISTORY IS FULL OF FORGOTTEN VOICES... RECOGNIZING THEM IS THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS JUSTICE" Simone de BeauvoirFrench Feminist Philosopher-Professor-Writer-Activist.