Brazilian legislation establishes equal rights for all citizens, to guarantee access to all places, public roads and means of transportation, and Inclusive Education as a right for individuals, from the start of school to graduation and preparation for work. At this point, Labor Inclusion emerges as the subject of this research, due to its growing importance in the social and business context, with the aim of guaranteeing equal conditions for people in the labor market. Inclusion in the workplace can guarantee the livelihood and personal and professional fulfillment of people with disabilities, enabling them to exercise their citizenship to the full and use their skills and competencies to improve the working environments in which they find themselves. The research problem focuses on finding out how the recruitment and selection of people with disabilities in companies in the metropolitan region of Rio Grande do Sul characterizes the humanized presence of Inclusion at Work, and the general objective of the study is to analyse the recruitment and selection of people with disabilities in companies in the metropolitan region of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of the presence of humanization in Inclusion at Work.