Most investigations that examine diffusion of
disease through urban areas give relatively scant
attention to the ''micro-environment.'' Employing the
many methods of macro-environmental analysis, most
studies do not attempt to identify street-level or
even residence-level temporal-spatial patterns of
disease diffusion. As a result, the mechanisms that
lead to diffusion on such small scales are left
relatively undefined.
This book investigates some of these unexplored
areas by presenting a temporal-spatial analysis of
the Memphis Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. This
analysis constructs a modern GIS database used to re-
create and analyze the Urban Yellow Fever diffusion
patterns seen in Memphis in 1878 by various
statistical means. Hot spots and multi-death
residences in particular were examined for
interrelated patterns. Temporal-spatial cartographic
representations of these areas show that social and
cultural interactions probably play a greater role
in urban yellow fever dissemination than previously
disease through urban areas give relatively scant
attention to the ''micro-environment.'' Employing the
many methods of macro-environmental analysis, most
studies do not attempt to identify street-level or
even residence-level temporal-spatial patterns of
disease diffusion. As a result, the mechanisms that
lead to diffusion on such small scales are left
relatively undefined.
This book investigates some of these unexplored
areas by presenting a temporal-spatial analysis of
the Memphis Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. This
analysis constructs a modern GIS database used to re-
create and analyze the Urban Yellow Fever diffusion
patterns seen in Memphis in 1878 by various
statistical means. Hot spots and multi-death
residences in particular were examined for
interrelated patterns. Temporal-spatial cartographic
representations of these areas show that social and
cultural interactions probably play a greater role
in urban yellow fever dissemination than previously