Taylor KeenRediscovering Turtle Island
A First Peoples' Account of the Sacred Geography of America
Taylor Keen is a senior lecturer in the Heider College of Business Administration at Creighton University. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and two master’s degrees from Harvard University, where he has served as a Fellow in the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development. He is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, the founder of Sacred Seed, an organization devoted to propagating tribal seed sovereignty, and a member of the Earthen Bison Clan of the Omaha Tribe where he is known by the name “Bison Mane.” He lives in Omaha, Nebraska.
By Charles C. Mann
1 Cosmogenesis
The Earth Diver Mythos, an Ancient
Creation Cosmology
2 An Island in the East
A Comparative Analysis of an Indigenous Atlantis
3 The Founders’ Dilemma of America
A First Peoples’ Historical Perspective of America
4 Living Red
An Indigenous Philosophy on Living in Harmony
with Earth Mother
5 Pahuk
Sacred Geography in Nebraska
6 Mother Corn, Mother Earth
Rediscovering a Sacred Tribal Feminine Tradition
7 Cahokia
The Rise and Fall of an Indigenous Empire
8 As Above, So Below
Archaeoastronomy of the Earthen Works
and the Journey of the Souls
9 Ten Thousand Years Ago and Beyond
The Antiquity of Indigenous Peoples in America