In a practical handy format the Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac contains
many unique features for small craft sailors and represents excellent
value for money. Meticulously researched, this popular almanac contains
a wealth of information presented in an easy to find, quick reference
manner for practical on-board use. The Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac covers the whole of the UK and Ireland and the west coast of Europe from Denmark all the way to Gibraltar.
The contents include: Secondary port differences, Over 2500
waypoints, Tide tables, tidal streams and tidal gates, Radio data,
Light recognition, Weather information, Principal lights, IALA buoyage,
International codes and flags, sun/moon rise and set.
many unique features for small craft sailors and represents excellent
value for money. Meticulously researched, this popular almanac contains
a wealth of information presented in an easy to find, quick reference
manner for practical on-board use. The Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac covers the whole of the UK and Ireland and the west coast of Europe from Denmark all the way to Gibraltar.
The contents include: Secondary port differences, Over 2500
waypoints, Tide tables, tidal streams and tidal gates, Radio data,
Light recognition, Weather information, Principal lights, IALA buoyage,
International codes and flags, sun/moon rise and set.