This collection explores the notion of reframing as a framework for better understanding the multi-agent and multi-level nature of the translation process, generating new conversations in current debates on translational agency, authority, and power.
The volume puts forward reframing as an alternative metaphor to traditional conceptualizations and descriptions of translation, which often position the process in such terms as transformation, reproduction, transposition, and transfer. Chapters in the book reflect on the translator figure as a central agent in actively moving a translated text to a new context, and the translation process as shaped by different forces and subjectivities when translational agency comes into play. The book brings together cross-disciplinary perspectives for viewing translation through the lens of agents, drawing on a wide range of examples across geographic settings, historical eras, and language pairs. The volume integrates analyses from the translated texts themselves as well as their paratexts to offer unique insights into the different layers of mediation in translation and the new frame(s) created for those texts.
This book will be of interest to scholars in translation studies, comparative studies, reception studies, and cultural studies.
The volume puts forward reframing as an alternative metaphor to traditional conceptualizations and descriptions of translation, which often position the process in such terms as transformation, reproduction, transposition, and transfer. Chapters in the book reflect on the translator figure as a central agent in actively moving a translated text to a new context, and the translation process as shaped by different forces and subjectivities when translational agency comes into play. The book brings together cross-disciplinary perspectives for viewing translation through the lens of agents, drawing on a wide range of examples across geographic settings, historical eras, and language pairs. The volume integrates analyses from the translated texts themselves as well as their paratexts to offer unique insights into the different layers of mediation in translation and the new frame(s) created for those texts.
This book will be of interest to scholars in translation studies, comparative studies, reception studies, and cultural studies.