Dieser Sonderband beinhaltet die Vorträge von 23 Theologinnen und Theologen aus 10 verschiedenen Ländern, die sich zu einer einwöchigen Internationalen Sommerschule an der Universität Regensburg versammelten, um darüber nachzudenken, welche Chancen und Risiken sich aus der Globalisierung für die Theologie ergeben. Dabei wurden verschiedenste Aspekte angesprochen, wie etwa die internationale Vernetzung der theologischen Ausbildung, die Probleme der Globalisierung für das soziale Gefüge oder der Beitrag der Kirchen zur Bewältigung nationaler Spannungen. Der Teilnehmer- und Autorenkreis setzt sich überwiegend aus Schülern und Schülerinnen des Regensburger Systematikers Hans Schwarz zusammen, dessen Arbeitsgebiete sich in den einzelnen Themengebieten widerspiegeln.
This special volume of the series contains papers presented by 23 theologians from 10 different countries. The authors gathered for a one-week international Summer School at the University Regensburg. They pondered from a theological angle the chances and risks induced by globalization. Many different aspects were considered such as the increasing internationalization of theological education, the problems caused by globalization for society in various countries, and how peaceful co-existence can be lived out under the newly emerging conditions. The participants are mostly students of the Regensburg systematic theologian Hans Schwarz whose special fields of interest are reflected in these topics.
This special volume of the series contains papers presented by 23 theologians from 10 different countries. The authors gathered for a one-week international Summer School at the University Regensburg. They pondered from a theological angle the chances and risks induced by globalization. Many different aspects were considered such as the increasing internationalization of theological education, the problems caused by globalization for society in various countries, and how peaceful co-existence can be lived out under the newly emerging conditions. The participants are mostly students of the Regensburg systematic theologian Hans Schwarz whose special fields of interest are reflected in these topics.