Paul B. Harvey, Jr. is Associate Professor in the Departments of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, History and Religious Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. He has published numerous articles on topics in classics and late antique studies and is a co-author of Vols. II and III of The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary.
Celia E. Schultz is Assistant Professor of Classics at Yale University and has taught at the Pennsylvania State University, Bryn Mawr College, and the Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of Women's Religious Activity in the Roman Republic (2006).
Introduction Celia E. Schultz and Paul B. Harvey, Jr; 1. Reconsidering
'religious Romanization' Fay Glinister; 2. In search of the Etruscan
priestess: a reexamination of the hatrencu Lesley E. Lundeen; 3. Etruscan
religion at the watershed: before and after the fourth century BCE Jean
MacIntosh Turfa; 4. Religious locales in the territory of Minturnae: some
aspects of Romanization Valentina Livi; 5. Religion and memory at Pisaurum
Paul B. Harvey, Jr; 6. Inventing the sortilegus: lot divination and
cultural identity in Italy, Rome, and the provinces W. E. Klingshirn; 7.
Hot, cold, or smelly: the power of sacred water in Roman religion Ingrid
Edlund-Berry; 8. Religion and politics: did the Romans scruple about the
placement of their temples? John Muccigrosso; 9. Juno Sospita and Roman
insecurity in the Social War Celia E. Schultz; 10. Beyond Rome and Latium:
Roman religion in the Age of Augustus A. E. Cooley; Appendix: translation
of the Ludi Saeculares dossier A. E. Cooley.