Die Beiträge dieser Ausgabe von Religion-Staat-Gesellschaft behandeln den Zusammenhang von Religion und Politik in Afrika, das Wirken religiöser Organisationen bei den Vereinten Nationen, den Trend zur anonymen Bestattung in Deutschland und die Rolle Martin Luthers bei der Herausbildung des Konzepts der Gewissensfreiheit.
The articles in this issue of Religion-Staat-Gesellschaft are dealing with the relationship between religion and politics in Africa, the operation of religious organizations at the United Nations, the emergence of anonymous burials in Germany, and Marin Luther's influence on the development of the notion of freedom of conscience.
The articles in this issue of Religion-Staat-Gesellschaft are dealing with the relationship between religion and politics in Africa, the operation of religious organizations at the United Nations, the emergence of anonymous burials in Germany, and Marin Luther's influence on the development of the notion of freedom of conscience.