Religious Education and Sacred Space is the subject of this book, the result of dialogue with primary school students in the Religious Education classroom, understanding the sacred and the need to organise a curriculum proposal that teaches about the sacred space of the municipality of Pilar-PB, describing cultural origins and religiosity. The book delves into two themes: The sacred space for religious education and the curriculum proposal. The book was divided into four parts: firstly, the challenges and perspectives of the study, justifying the choice of theme and methodology. Secondly, a description of the importance of studying the Sacred Space for Religious Education in a curriculum proposal aimed at valuing the history of its religiosity and its social function as a pedagogical practice. Thirdly, the proposal for religious education, based on the thematic axes of the PCNER - from FONAPER, the Curricular Guidelines and the Methodological Guidelines of SEEPR. The fourth section describes and analyses the visitation and socialisation activities in the geographical and sacred spaces.