1 Background and History,
Established Religion in Colonial America,
The Constitution and the First Amendment,
The Rise of Homegrown Minority Religions,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: The Mormons,
The Seventh-day Adventists,
Jehovah's Witnesses,
The Nation of Islam,
Other Non-Christian Minority Religions,
Muslim Americans,
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism,
Native American Religion,
Atheists and Agnostics,
2 Problems, Controversies, and Solutions,
The Establishment Clause,
Government Aid to Church-Related Schools,
Religion in Public Education,
Government-Sponsored Religious Displays,
Prayers in Public Schools,
Sabbatarian Laws (Blue Laws),
Religious Institutions Functioning as Government Agencies,
Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions,
Legislative Chaplains and Prayers,
Standing to Sue,
Teaching Creationism and Evolution in Public Schools,
Unequal Government Treatment of Religious Groups,
The Free Exercise Clause,
Solicitation by Religious Groups,
Using Religious Tests for Public Benefits or Services,
Public Education,
Religion and Right to Work Laws,
Government Intrusion into Church Controversies,
Eminent Domain,
Freedom of Speech,
3 Perspectives,
Why Mixing Religion and Political Activity Leads to a Poisoned Chalice:
Ending Compelled Taxpayer Support for Religious Political Activity by
Christina Ann-Marie DiEdoardo,
Say a Prayer for Me by Stacy Mintzer Herlihy,
Religious Choice in Medicine: When Cancer Patients Have Religious
Objections to Life-Saving Blood Transfusions by Angela Quinn,
When Children Pay the Price of Freedom of Religion by Dorit R. Reiss,
Transgender Rights: A Religious Freedom Wedge Strategy by Rani Baker,
The First Amendment and Immigration by John R. Vile,
Many Are Called-By the Supreme Court of the United States by Courtney
The HHS Contraception Mandate and Religious Freedom Conflicts by Christina
The Episcopal Church-Foundations of Religious Freedom by Christopher
4 Profiles,
Governmental Organizations,
Attorney General of the United States and Solicitor General of the United
Office of the President of the United States,
The Supreme Court of the United States,
U.S. Federal Departments,
Nongovernmental Organizations,
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee,
American Atheists,
American Civil Liberties Union,
Americans for Religious Liberty,
Americans United for Separation of Church and State,
Center for the Study of Law and Religion,
Council on American-Islamic Relations,
Freedom from Religion Foundation,
Heritage Foundation,
Jehovah's Witnesses,
Moral Majority,
Seventh-day Adventists,
Warren Burger (1907-1995),
George W. Bush (1946- ),
Jimmy Carter (1924- ),
Ted Cruz (1970- ),
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933- ),
Alberto Gonzales (1955- ),
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826),
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973),
Anthony Kennedy (1936- ),
Barack Obama (1961- ),
Sandra Day O'Connor (1930- ),
William Rehnquist (1924-2005),
John Roberts (1955- ),
Antonin Scalia (1936-2016),
Donald Trump (1946- ),
Nongovernmental Stakeholders,
James Dobson (1936- ),
Madalyn Murray O'Hair (1919-1995),
Ron Reagan (1958- ),
Ralph Reed (1961- ),
Melissa Rogers (Not Known),
John Witte, Jr. (1959- ),
5 Data and Documents,
Table 5.1. Religions in the United States (2010 Census),
Figure 5.1. World Religions (by Percentage),
Table 5.2. Religious Freedom Supreme Court Cases,
Table 5.3. Charges of Religion-Based Discrimination (1997 to 2016),
Table 5.4. Religious-Related Hate Crime Statistics (2015),
The Maryland Toleration Act (1649),
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786),
Constitutional Provisions,
Letter from James Madison to Edward Livingston (1822),
Order of Extermination, Missouri Executive Order 44 (1838),
Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971),
Committee for Public Education and Religious Liberty v. Nyquist (1973),
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978),
Denial of Equal Access Prohibited (1984),
Edwards v. Aguillard (1987),
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990),
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores (2014),
Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty (2017),
Documents on the "Muslim Ban" (2017),
6 Resources,
Print Resources,
Leading Scholarly Journals,
Nonprint Sources,
7 Chronology,
About the Author,