The advanced technology of geographical information, mapping have emerged as good opportunities for public health administrators and for better planning of programming, field monitoring, and analysis of epidemiological survey, data management of health system. Epidemiology Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) helps in visualizing and analysis of geographic distribution of disease, with respect to time and space, which is difficult to perform in any other systems. Based on regions the distribution of vector borne disease cases were represented on density maps which were calculated for each Primary Health Centers (PHC). As more number of vector borne disease cases were rampant in the backward areas of south India we have focused our attention towards tribal agencies of Telangana state, India. Which are identified through GIS & GPS techniques, also help in pinpointing the infected areas or person for further treatment processes. Our main aim is to map the vector borne diseases, density areas by using above techniques. Remote Sensing data was also used to identify the favorable indicators of malaria breeding areas.