In this era of fixed appliances its removable counterparts have still maintained a niche in pedodontics. In well selected cases removable appliances can produce equally good results as the most sophisticated fixed appliance without requiring the same amount of chair side time. They can also be used at an earlier age which is an advantage recognized unanimously all over the world. Unfortunately, in recent decades, intra-oral removable appliances are less discussed in pedodontics literature and fewer researchers tend to investigate their indications and advantages This book describes about the designs and concept of the removable appliance and the various orthodontic tooth movements produced by the individual removable appliance and its components. It also includes various type of malocclusions and different appliances that can be used to treat them. Removable appliance treatment, taking place at earlier ages, is attractive as it offers early completion dates and little inconvenience during socially and educationally busy years for the growing child.