In the world of Renegade, a secret war unfolds. Silas Wren, a cunning manipulator inhabiting Idris Knight's body, has forged a pact with a Wanderer, named Zenith, to exploit the characters' world for his own gain. His first target? Ruby Knox, the unsuspecting Reaper entrusted with Idris's legacy. Using a web of tactics and calculated moves, Silas will orchestrate various situations to help him rise to power. With ambitions more than that, he craves control, manipulating everyone around him-from the unsuspecting antagonist to the self-righteous heroes. As all of the characters struggle to regain their identities in Silas's twisted game, the lines between friend and foe blur, raising the question: who will truly control the story of Renegade? Will Silas's cunningness reign supreme, or will the combined forces of the Reapers expose his ultimate plot? This is a story of hidden agendas, shifting alliances, and the explosive showdown between a manipulative puppeteer and the forces striving for freedom.
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