Organisé par l'Université de Sydney, l'Université de New South Wales (Sydney) et l'ambassade de France, le colloque "Repenser les processus créateurs / Rethinking Creative Processes" a réuni du 14 au 16 février 1999 autour de ce thème commun de nombreux chercheurs venus d'horizons différents. Les contributions regroupées dans cet ouvrage interrogent les actes et les enjeux de la création artistique, qu'elle soit littéraire, théâtrale ou visuelle. Avec une entrée en matière exclusive de l'écrivain Philippe Djian, l'ouvrage amènera le lecteur à réfléchir sur les frontières entre texte et image et remet en question les notions d'origine de l'oeuvre.
Organized by the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales (Sydney) and the French Embassy, the Conference "Repenser les processus créateurs / Rethinking Creative Processes", held from 14 th February to 16 th February 1999, gathered researchers from many different countries and backgrounds. Papers selected for this publication explore the acts and interplays involved in the creative process, in the areas of literature, theatre and visual arts. Opening with an article by writer Philippe Djian, this book will lead readers to question the frontiers of text and image and to challenge notions of artistic origin.
Organized by the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales (Sydney) and the French Embassy, the Conference "Repenser les processus créateurs / Rethinking Creative Processes", held from 14 th February to 16 th February 1999, gathered researchers from many different countries and backgrounds. Papers selected for this publication explore the acts and interplays involved in the creative process, in the areas of literature, theatre and visual arts. Opening with an article by writer Philippe Djian, this book will lead readers to question the frontiers of text and image and to challenge notions of artistic origin.