Afghanistan, as evident from her history, has always remained a battleground between the Great Powers. Owing to her Geo-strategic location, it has excessively suffered from external interference's led to constant instability and internal power struggles. Attempts by the external players to control Afghanistan has proved to be considerably difficult. The post 9/11 situation and the subsequent invasion by the United States led ISAF has considerably altered the regional dynamics and is being viewed as a beginning of a new 'Great Game' whereby regional and global players are pursuing their politico, socio and economic interests in the region. In this context, India being an emerging military and economic power is also venturing to exert her influence in Afghanistan. Therefore, this book is an attempt to explain the Indo-Afghan regional paradox. The book unfolds the Geo-strategic significance of Afghanistan, genesis of Indo-Afghan relations, New Great Game & Indian involvement, regional implications of increased Indian role in Afghanistan, Post ISAF draw down scenarios along with an effective policy framework for Pakistan to substantiate her role in the new Great Game.