The planet is on the verge of a vast demographic transition. According to the annual report of the United Nations Population Fund (Unfpa), published in November 2014, this upcoming transition mainly concerns Africa. This continent is now experiencing a decline in its birth rate. Unfpa believes that this demographic transition is potentially a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, provided that the necessary investments are made, particularly in education and contraception. This brings economic growth that experts call the "demographic dividend. In Cameroon, nearly 25% of maternal deaths occur among 15-19 year olds. That is, four out of 20 deaths per day! These tragedies could be avoided. Boko Haram and the security crisis in the Far North of Cameroon. Reportages, is a book that gathers a set of articles taken "almost" at random. Articles and interviews with experts on current issues covered by a reporter concerned with health, security, human rights and the environment.