Republik Repair ist ein von Karina Griffith kuratiertes Festival Schwarzer Perspektiven, das von September bis Dezember 2017 am postmigrantischen Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin stattfand. Künstler innen, Musiker innen, Wissenschaftler innen, Performer innen und Aktivist innen wurden dazu eingeladen, den 10-Punkte-Aktionsplan der Karibischen Gemeinschaft (CARICOM) als Vorbild für eine Überwindung der Folgen des europäischen Kolonialismus aufzugreifen, für den deutschen Kontext politisch und künstlerisch zu übersetzen und eigene Forderungen zu stellen. Republik Repair ist eine Strategie der Heilung, indem es die Erfahrungen Schwarzer Menschen aufnimmt, Räume des Austauschs und der Inspiration schafft und nachhaltige Dekolonialisierungsprozesse verstärkt. In einer Verschränkung von Kunst und Wissenstransfer, von lokalen und internationalen Diskursen setzte das Festival wichtige Impulse für die deutsche Debatte um Reparationen.
Republik Repair is a festival of Black perspectives curated by Karina Griffith at the post-migrant theatre Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin which took place from September until December 2017. Artists, musicians, scholars, performers and activists were invited to adopt the Ten Point Action Plan of the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM) Reparations Commission as a model for addressing the impact of European colonialism. Republik Repair offered political and artistic adaptations and translations of the Caribbean Community's Ten Points for the German context and in doing so, articulated their own demands. Republik Repair provides a strategy of healing by incorporating the experiences of Black people, creating spaces for exchange and inspiration, and reinforcing sustainable processes of decolonization. In a confluence of art and knowledge transfer, of local and international discourses, the festival provided crucial inspiration for the German discussion around reparations.
Republik Repair is a festival of Black perspectives curated by Karina Griffith at the post-migrant theatre Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin which took place from September until December 2017. Artists, musicians, scholars, performers and activists were invited to adopt the Ten Point Action Plan of the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM) Reparations Commission as a model for addressing the impact of European colonialism. Republik Repair offered political and artistic adaptations and translations of the Caribbean Community's Ten Points for the German context and in doing so, articulated their own demands. Republik Repair provides a strategy of healing by incorporating the experiences of Black people, creating spaces for exchange and inspiration, and reinforcing sustainable processes of decolonization. In a confluence of art and knowledge transfer, of local and international discourses, the festival provided crucial inspiration for the German discussion around reparations.