In an abandoned house amidst the Piney Woods of East Texas, a new cult has arisen. Inside one room, surrounded by candles and shrouded in mystery, lies a dead woman in a glass coffin. It is for her that this new Family has been built, and it is the dark and silent Darius who has brought her here. Jack Macon lives outside of Tyler. One night, some of his livestock are ritualistically slaughtered. He joins Carrie Price, whose sister joined the cult and has disappeared. A young girl named Laura tries to escape the Family and reaches out to Carrie for help, but the tall thin man called "Slim Tom," assassin for the Family, has them both in his sights. The story follows Jack and Carrie on their mission to discover the truth as Darius remains intent on a single task--bringing his Queen back to life and her former glory.
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