Set in Chechnya, Return to Babylon is a plot-driven psychological thriller based on a true story, presents an emotional tale about a man who lost his reason to live, but found the strength to get it back. Brain-washed at a young age, 26-year-old Anvar, has experienced more than most in his lifetime. After being wrongly accused of murdering his stepfather, he escapes from prison with the aid of Chechen colonel, who sends him to militant camp in Pakistan. Anvar carries out assignments for the world's criminal elite including the colonel who formulates a plan to secure funds for a coup to free Chechnya from Russian domination. Angry and confused after making life-altering discoveries, Anvar rebels against terrorist's ideologies and puts his life in jeopardy after he refuses to follow orders to kidnap the son of a wealthy Siberian woman, Tatiana with whom he falls in love.
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