This study examined foster care reentry among
methamphetamine abusing parents involved with Child
Protective Services in Kings County, CA. Content
analysis of secondary child welfare data was used to
determine if family characteristics and parental
stress factors are associated with foster care
reentry among methamphetamine abusing families. The
findings suggest that parents involved with Child
Protective Services who also have a history of
methamphetamine abuse experience numerous stress
factors that may interfere with methamphetamine
recovery and the maintenance of an intact family
methamphetamine abusing parents involved with Child
Protective Services in Kings County, CA. Content
analysis of secondary child welfare data was used to
determine if family characteristics and parental
stress factors are associated with foster care
reentry among methamphetamine abusing families. The
findings suggest that parents involved with Child
Protective Services who also have a history of
methamphetamine abuse experience numerous stress
factors that may interfere with methamphetamine
recovery and the maintenance of an intact family