Revealing Minds is a hands-on guide for assessing learning problems in school-aged students, based on the philosophy of All Kinds of Minds, the cutting-edge institute co-founded by renowned pediatrician and author Mel Levine. Written by psychologist Craig Pohlman, the book presents a unique approach that stresses the importance of identifying a student's assets and uncovering breakdown points that lead to problems in school. It is filled with real-life examples, definitions of key terms, diagrams, and sample assessment tasks.
"Any clinician, advocate, parent, or educator who wants to truly understand and help children who struggle in school should read this book and will want to return to it often."
-Paul B. Yellin, M.D., FAAP, Director, Yellin Center for Student Success andAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, New York University School of Medicine
"Pohlman provides us with a cogent, step-by-step guide to conducting assessments."
-Katherine Balisterri Howard, M.A., NCSP, school psychologist,Old Trail School, Bath, Ohio
"Draws the essential connections between theory and practice that can enable every teacher to be 'smart' about assessing student learning-not just of those who struggle, but all students."
-Peter Gow, Director of College Counseling and Special Programs,Beaver Country Day School
"Delivers a wealth of insights for understanding students who struggle with learning."
-Douglas Bouman, Director, Psychological Services, CLC Network,Grand Rapids, Michigan
"This book is unique in presenting a clearly defined, respectful, and practical approach to assessing learning differences in children."
-Elizabeth Briere, M.D., FAAP, Executive Director, Center for Student Success
"An innovative and circumspect approach to making assessments more informative."
-Russell Hoffman, Psy.D., school psychologist and private practitioner,Bronx, New York
"Any clinician, advocate, parent, or educator who wants to truly understand and help children who struggle in school should read this book and will want to return to it often."
-Paul B. Yellin, M.D., FAAP, Director, Yellin Center for Student Success andAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, New York University School of Medicine
"Pohlman provides us with a cogent, step-by-step guide to conducting assessments."
-Katherine Balisterri Howard, M.A., NCSP, school psychologist,Old Trail School, Bath, Ohio
"Draws the essential connections between theory and practice that can enable every teacher to be 'smart' about assessing student learning-not just of those who struggle, but all students."
-Peter Gow, Director of College Counseling and Special Programs,Beaver Country Day School
"Delivers a wealth of insights for understanding students who struggle with learning."
-Douglas Bouman, Director, Psychological Services, CLC Network,Grand Rapids, Michigan
"This book is unique in presenting a clearly defined, respectful, and practical approach to assessing learning differences in children."
-Elizabeth Briere, M.D., FAAP, Executive Director, Center for Student Success
"An innovative and circumspect approach to making assessments more informative."
-Russell Hoffman, Psy.D., school psychologist and private practitioner,Bronx, New York