Until recently there were no private security colleges at a higher level, now there have been created higher courses in Security Management, two years of college, whose subjects are very comprehensive and complex, practically teaches how to manage, administer or command a security company, the graduates in this management leave without any practice of day-to-day management, supervisor, security guards, janitors, receptionists and even the cleaning staff, because many supervisors have this staff under their responsibility. In practice, the former managers, who still continue to manage such a deficient area, learned and perfected themselves without any school classes, so the philosophy, learning, ways and methods of work, were acquired in the very performance and experiences of other managers and military that inaugurated these hundreds of security companies that are in the market today. The conclusion is that private security in Brazil does not yet have, if it is very rare, a manager with higher qualifications in any function or position in this field, from the owner to the security guard, who did not have a higher diploma in private security, for this reason there are so many managers who...