Rimuru Kael is an ordinary teenager from a quiet, bustling city-until one fateful night, when a mysterious cosmic event tears apart the fabric of the world and opens a rift in space-time. A strange, glowing artifact crashes into his hands, and in that instant, Rimuru's life changes forever. The artifact, known only as the "Omni Prism," grants him unimaginable power: the ability to manipulate not just his environment, but entire realms, timelines, and dimensions. What Rimuru doesn't realize is that the Omni Prism is one of several powerful relics scattered across the multiverse, each one linked to a specific, parallel universe. And the moment he activates it, Rimuru becomes the target of a secretive organization known as The Chronarchs, powerful beings who control the flow of time and space. They believe that the Omni Prism is the key to unlocking the ultimate power-a force that could reshape reality itself.
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