Studies reveled that risk management practice has significant impact on the institution goal, mission and objective achievements. Although a risk mgt practice has been studied by some scholars, such types of studies are not made on the sector of cooperative. Thus the purpose of this study is to assess the Risk Management Practice of Saving and Credit Cooperatives Union. The study also come across major gap in practicing the risk mgt; the union doesn t practice the risk mgt & risk mgt process is poor, there is no a department or individual personally responsible for risk mgt system, risk identification process is not going on a regular basis; qualitative risk analysis is not employed, standard tools and techniques were not used for identifying risk , there is no risk appetite and operational risk is the major risk that the union had confront. The researcher recommend, it is advisable for the union to have a department for risk mgt system, follow risk identification process to undertake it on a regular basis, Better to employ qualitative analysis, The management and control committee have to give emphasis for risk mgt and practical implementation of risk management.