The book aims to assist potential and practicing entrepreneurs reach their desired destinations in business by properly managing key aspects of business. The guide is organized into 19 chapters divided into four sections. As the entrepreneur pursues the core business, the tendency is to lose focus on key drivers namely Administration, Finance, Marketing and Sales. The guide, redirects focus to ensure that the entrepreneur runs with all.Section 1 looks at prerequisite attributes that determine future success in business, available choices of business ventures and how to raise the necessary finance. Section 2 discusses key internal controls necessary to minimize risk. Financial literacy has traditionally been a no go area for entrepreneurs without financial background. Section 3 endeavours to introduce basic financial literacy in small businesses. Long term survival of business hinges on corporate strategy. The last seven chapters look at aspects of business strategy. The entrepreneur is supposed to think beyond now. To drive the point home, the world cup final played in Brazil in 2014 is used to illustrate some of the major business concepts.