Rock painting is an important feature of Rock Art, we are well aware that rock art is natural heritage once lost we can not reconstruct like structure monuments and it is a valuable source for understanding the primitive society. Rock paintings were made with mineral colors without any preparation of the back ground. In the early stage the painting appear to be like children's work of art .Although the phenomenon of drawing in this art is similar but the mode of approach is different. From these paintings we can get a lost of information about the primitive society and also about the species which have now become extinct rock paintings as been executed on walls of the rock shelter. Different styles were simultaneously used in these paintings. These paintings are generally supposed to be the oldest specimens of art in any country. Rock paintings are a storehouse of information for archaeologists and historians. Rock paintings provide first hand information on society,rituals,customes,tools and implements, technological attainments, means of subsistence, contemporary flora and fauna and above all mans relationship with nature.