Rodrigues day gecko (Phelsuma edwardnewtoni) is a now extinct diurnal species of geckos. It lived on the island of Rodrigues and typically inhabited forests and dwelt in trees. The Rodrigues day gecko fed on insects and nectar. This day gecko is now extinct. It was described also as P. newtonii, yet this name was also used as a synonym for Phelsuma gigas. P. edwardnewtoni belonged to the largest day geckos. It reached a total length of about 23 cm. Earlier investigators describe the animal as being quite common. However, this species has not been sighted since 1917, in spite of thorough searches in the 1960s and 1970s on Rodrigues and all offshore islets. Today, only 5 preserved specimens remain, three of which are in The Natural History Museum in London, the two others being in the Paris Natural History Museum.