Roger Bens was the French singer of Femme dans ses rêves aussi in the Eurovision Song Contest 1985. He came tenth with 56 points. The Eurovision Song Contest 1985 was the 30th Eurovision Song Contest and was held on 4 May 1985 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The presenter was Lill Lindfors, and Norwegian duo Bobbysocks! was the winner of this Eurovision with the song "La det swinge". Bobbysocks!' win for Norway was the country's first. Host Lill Lindfors, upon Norway's win, congratulated Hanne Krogh and Elisabeth Andreassen of Bobbysocks! by saying, "I must say I am honestly very happy that this happened because Norway has been last on so many times that you really deserve it!" Krogh replied, "You're happy? What do you think we are?!" After an energetic reprise, the two women embraced to a standing ovation from the audience.