Roger Elmo Holl (born April 20) was a United States Marine Corps colonel best known for work in the State of Alaska as a Lawyer and Educator.Col. Roger E. Holl has a BA from the University of La-Verne and a J.D. from Golden Gate University.Starting out as an administrator for UC Berkley, while attending law school, Col. Holl has worked in education most of his career. He has taught at the Kenai Peninsula College (University of Alaska Kenia), at University of Alaska Anchorage, and at Charter College. Most rececntly, Holl served as the Associate Dean of General Education and Legal Studies at Charter College Anchorage and is currently an instructor at Charter College's online campus.Roger Holl worked as a lawyer, owning his own firm for more than three decades in Anchorage, AK and on the Kenai Peninsula.