A Knowledge Management System is an integrated multifunctional software framework that supports all main knowledge management and knowledge processing activities, such as capturing, organising, classifying, understanding, debugging, editing, finding, retrieving, disseminating, transferring and sharing knowledge. This book provides an ontology based knowledge management solution for Software Risk Management (SRM). In this book, the knowledge of Software Risk Management is visualized through SRM Ontology (SRMONTO). Emphasizing the profound importance of risk management in the IT industry, an e-learning tool to educate potential software engineers is described in this book. An ontology based web service described in this book is used to analyze a project, product or service based on the factors, relationships and constraints that constitute the respective project, product or service. Its main goal is to provide project analysts with a web service, to aid them in identifying and assessing the risks involved in the project, allowing them to plan for avoiding risks, and controlling and monitoring risk. The targeted audience for this book is students and software engineers.